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The Great Dissolving Experiment: Which Solids Mix with Water?

Updated: Jan 11

It's experiment time! Grab the kids and let's investigate which household solids dissolve in water.

This easy activity is science fun for curious minds of any age.

All you need is:

  • Clear containers - glasses, cups, or jars work great

  • Water - room temp and heated up

  • Solids from around the house like sugar, salt, coffee, flour, sand, etc.

The Experiment:

  1. Fill containers half with room temperature water, half with heated up water.

  2. Add a spoonful of a solid into each container.

  3. Stir and observe! Does the solid dissolve and disappear into the water?

  4. Test different solids in cold and warm water. Record your observations.

  5. Analyse the results! Which solids dissolved? Did heat make a difference?

The Science Behind It:

When a solid dissolves, its particles mix with the water molecules evenly to form a solution. We call solids that dissolve "soluble." The most common dissolved solids are salts, sugars, gases, acids, and some minerals.

Heated water helps solids dissolve faster because the particles move around more quickly, bumping into each other more often. Hot coffee dissolves those granules nice and fast!

Solids that don't dissolve in water are called "insoluble." Their particles don't break down and spread throughout no matter how much you stir! Sand and flour are common insolubles.


  • Soluble solids dissolve completely in water. Insoluble solids do not.

  • Heated water speeds up dissolving. More particle excitement!

  • Dissolving is a physical change, not a chemical reaction. No new substance formed.

Now that you're dissolving experts, try more experiments! See which solids dissolve in vinegar or oil. Find the best liquid solvent for different materials. The scientific possibilities are endless!

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